American Peach

Warm and inviting, the American Peach Marble Tiles are in tones of beiges with veins in darker hues of beige and stark white interludes. We recommend them for bathrooms and other personal spaces.
Measures (Size)

Size: 600 x 1200 mm

Finish: Glossy

Category: Glossy

More materials from the collection:
Alaska White Split
American Grey
American Peach
Antique Riano Split
Aura Dark
Aura Light
Azul Grey
Azul White
Bottochino Fiorito
Delicatus Statuario (Lhasa Gold)
Faint Beige
Faint Bianco
Fine Onyx Beige
Fiora White
Forest White Split
Fusion Grey
Fusion Silver
Lilac White
Marmi Statuario Split
Nacarado Gold
Orbito Mist Split
Prince Statuario
William Bianco
William Natural